Tuesday, May 18, 2010

An Easter Parody

At Lucifer's request
(Lucky Luce, deceived that he
was more than equal w/God)
chose a common table;
cards were all dealt
and Ace was trump high
"Watcha got left God "
'Lucky Luce' hooted with glee
bet it ain’t more than a little deuce or 3?"

Silent and sure
God took his time
then calmly said
"Lucky Luce , your Ace wins..... this time.
we will have another deal soon
to end your pride- planned Design."

So Jesus the Son
was given to Luce
(for LuckyLuce's Ace
couldn't be trumped
by God's unlucky deuce).
Fiends gobbled Son up;
then really cut loose
bloodied Him there
in front of His peers,
nailed Him to that cross
while cussing and shouting
God hating jeers.

"Phew,""HIS Life finally done".
Lucky Luce wildly cavorted,
Insanely screamed,
"Man this is fun."
"But its taken forever and 33 years,
So let's get Him buried
And have a few beers!"

Three Days later at dawning of light,
Once again, The Promise kept right;
The same table chosen; cards again were dealt
Ace again trump high, destiny to be felt.
(Though it didn’t seem to matter
cause Luce’s olde Enemy had already died. )
"Well… watcha got left God?" said mad hatter so snide.

Luce, now happily bored
(tho dealt a low card King) he was not floored;
but cracked his bony knuckles, then said with a fling,
"Got a trump Ace up your sleeve?
Snickering he slobbered and garbled,
"Maybe... corpse Jesus will publicly sing?"

(Now both of them knew
that a low card King will not do
a live Ace must be had
to carry this thru.)

As God unveiled His winning trump Ace
Jesus voice sang out from inner tombgloom
Allelujajoy shining bright , on His glistening face
God had trumped the devil with his deserved boon
an infernal place in a ‘God reserved’ doom.

Caught in God's trap
is that' mad hatter' Luce
proving Heaven e'er wins
those pieces of time
when all hell still breaks loose.

M. Helen Peterson 5-2010