Saturday, February 6, 2010

From Rags to Riches

ragged, raging souls
tattered, tittering thots
battered, embittered minds
tortured, anxious ones
twisting in uneasy, icy lifewinds-
I rest my case

Still, listening heart reassured
"without Him I can do nothing-
with Him all things are possible"
blessed knowing 'ahas'
break forth like trumpet blasts-
pealing 'now I understand"

once forbbidding Red Seatimes
enemy pursuing then struck dead
seeing a path like magic open
comes fresh Godcourage G ospelgiven
watching awestruck ; one by one
sindead, hard kernalled manseeds-
Christtouched,unfolding into rich, eternal Lifeflowers

M. Helen Peterson
Febuary 6, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

From Pigpens to Godplace

here I sit sane and sound
happy to be
on the grassy river bank
towelled off and squeaky clean
presentable to both God and brother

rescued time and again
to live a saner life
on the right ChristLife track
an improved, authenic Life
joyfilled, back on the genuine track

suffering does that you know.
the filthy prodigal changes his old tune
and sings authenic, reallife songs
moved from outer pigpen phony,grungelife
to the inner Godplace of Real Life.
Histrack the real deal.

M. Helen Peterson
Febuary 4, 2010